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Mishlei 31-02 (A Woman of Character)

NOTE: For a PDF copy of this segment, please click here. This will enable you to print out the entire text of the article. [Rev 4] Key Concepts of Mishlei 31-02 (A Woman of Character) Shlomo Hamelech closes the book of Mishlei with a song of praise and appreciation...

Mishlei Appendix 01 – Commerce

  Mishlei Appendix 01 – Commerce Weights and Measures   “Having a deceitful hand makes the man a pauper, but having a diligent hand of honest dealings will enrich him.” [Mishlei 10-04] Dishonesty. In commerce, a vendor’s deceitful hand, which cheats the...

Mishlei Appendix 02 – Commitments

Mishlei Appendix 02 – Commitments Loan Guarantees   “Give no sleep to your eyes and slumber to your eyelids. Hurry to escape like a deer from the power of the trap, and like a bird from the power of the snare.” [Mishlei 06-01] Wishful Thinking. To illustrate the...

Mishlei Appendix 03 – Control

Mishlei Appendix 03 – Control Free Will of the Mind   “To man are the arrangements of the heart, but from Hashem is the tongue’s utterance.” [Mishlei 16-01] Speech. The truth is that Hashem did not relinquish control of the world when He created it. Whatever happens...

Mishlei Appendix 04 – Anger

Mishlei Appendix 04 – Anger Forbearance   “The anger of a fool becomes known on the same day, but a clever man covers up disgrace.” [Mishlei 12-16] Consequence. The emotion of anger is aroused when a person feels a threat to his sense of self, that is, when he feels...

Mishlei Appendix 05 – Attitude

Mishlei Appendix 05 – Attitude Perspective   “The activity of a tzadik is for life. The outcome of the activity of the rasha is for failure.” [Mishlei 10-16] Overall. A man’s pattern of behavior is governed by his overall attitude. Over time that attitude leans toward...